Cheatsheet Vault commands

Ivan Piskunov
3 min readMar 1, 2021


  1. Set up environment variables, depending on whether Vault is brought up using http/https, you must setup a value for VAULT_ADDR. For e.g., it could be http://localhost:8200, https://<IP address of machine>:8200.
  2. vault status

(Displays the details about your Vault cluster).

Key Value
— — — — -
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.0.3
Cluster Name vault-cluster-XXXXXXX
HA Enabled true
HA Cluster
HA Mode active

3. vault status -tls-skip-verify

(If Vault is enabled with ‘https’ i.e., TLS certificate)

4. To initialize a vault use “vault operator init”

(Depending on the seal type configured in the Vault config file, i.e., shamir (default), Auto & Transit) you will get relevant output for this command).

5. vault operator init -key-shares=3 -key-threshold=2.

This command will initialize Vault server with 3 unseal keys out of which 2 should be used to unseal the vault. And Command for unseal is “vault operator unseal <unseal key>”

6. Vault login

(Command to login into Vault using root token, which is the default option)

7. vault login -method=userpass username=my-username

(Provide the password when prompted)

8. vault login -method=github -path=github-prod

(Provide the token when prompted)

9. vault auth list -tls-skip-verify

(This command lists the various auth methods enabled in the vault server/cluster)

10. vault token renew <Token>

(Renew a token)

11. vault policy list -tls-skip-verify

(To list all policies created in the existing vault cluster)

12. vault policy read -tls-skip-verify <policy_name>

(To show the details of policy created)

13. vault token create -policy=<existing_policy_name> -tls-skip-verify

(To create a new token with permission assigned as in the policy associated)

14. vault policy write -tls-skip-verify <policy_name> <policy-file.hcl>

(To create a new policy with required capabilities against required secret paths)

15. vault write -tls-skip-verify auth/github/map/teams/<github_team_name> value=<policy_name>

(To Map the users/teams of that GitHub organization to policies in Vault.)

16. vault kv get <Path to the secret>

(to print the key/value details stored in the given path. Please note that unless you have got right permission to the given secret path, vault wont output the details)

17. vault kv get -tls-skip-verify — field=value secret/test/test

(to print the value of the mentioned key alone in the mentioned key path)

18. vault kv put secret/test/test key=value

(to add a new kv pair in the existing path)

19. vault kv enable-versioning <Path to the secret>

(to enable versioning of the K=V stored in the given path)

20. vault kv put <Path to the secret> same_key=new_vaule

(This is to add a new value for the existing key and validate the versioning status by executing the next command)

21. vault kv get -version=<version_number> <Path to the secret>

22. vault auth enable userpass

(To enable userpass as the authentication method)

23. vault auth enable kubernetes

(To enable K8s as the authentication method)

24. vault write auth/kubernetes/login role=demo jwt=…

(The default path is /kubernetes. If this auth method was enabled at a different path, specify -path=/my-path in the CLI.)

25. vault kv delete secret/creds

(To Delete the latest version of the key “creds”)

26. vault kv delete -versions=2 secret/creds

(To [K/V Version 2] Delete version 2 of key “creds”)

27. vault audit list

(To List all audit devices enabled in your vault server)

28. vault audit enable file file_path=/tmp/my-file.txt

(To Enable the audit device “file” enabled at “file/”)

29. vault secrets enable <aws/azure/mongodbatlas/gcp>

(Mention the required secret engines which are supported by the vault version used by you and mention the path, if you need a customized path instead of the default>



Ivan Piskunov
Ivan Piskunov

Written by Ivan Piskunov

DevSecOps expert, Security Evangelist, Researcher, Speaker, Book’s author

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